Study Guide
Field 257: World Language: Korean
Interpretive Listening
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settings to "most."
This study guide contains some Korean. To hear Korean please use a screenreader that has Korean enabled.
Directions for Interpretive Listening Section
This section of the test contains multiple-choice questions that involve listening to recorded excerpts. Each excerpt will be followed by one or more multiple-choice questions. Each multiple-choice question has four answer choices. After listening to an excerpt, read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Each listening excerpt will be played twice.
The first recorded excerpt will begin playing automatically once you advance to the next screen. There will be a period of silence at the beginning of each recording. During this silence, you should familiarize yourself with the test question(s) presented on the screen.
Once the audio begins, you will not be able to pause, stop, or replay it. Therefore, listen carefully, then answer the question(s). Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all. You will NOT be penalized for guessing.
You will not be able to go back and review your answers to questions in this section of the test. Once you move to the next question, you will not be able to go back to previous questions in this section. Therefore, be sure to select your answer carefully before you move to the next question. The next recorded excerpt will not begin playing until you advance to the next question.
Please be aware that the visual enhancements
are NOT available during this section of the test. Please DO NOT use these features until you have completed all listening items and proceeded to the remaining sections of the test.
Click the Next button when you have finished reading these directions and are ready to begin the listening section of the test. Be sure you have your headset on before proceeding.
Select the Next button to continue.
Sample Interpretive Listening Questions
[The examinee will hear an audio recording, which includes a 20-second pause at the beginning.]
Listen carefully to the dialogue between a pharmacist and a patient; then answer the questions. You will hear the dialogue twice.
[The dialogue shown below is representative of a transcript used to make an audio recording on the actual test. It is shown here for study purposes only. The examinee will not see transcripts that accompany audio recordings on the actual test.]
(one male and one female speaker)
Female: 어서 오세요. 어떻게 오셨어요?
Male: 목이 너무 아파요.
Female: 어떻게 아프세요?
Male: 말을 할 때마다 목이 아프고 목소리도 잘 안 나와요.
Female: 기침도 하세요?
Male: 네, 그리고 열도 조금 있어요.
Female: 언제부터 그런 증세가 시작됐나요?
Male: 이삼일 전부터요. 몸이 나을 때까지 출근 못 하겠어요.
Female: 요즘 미세 먼지때문에 감기가 많이 돌고 있는데 주의하셔야겠어요.
Male: 그러게 말예요. 공해때문에 큰일이에요. 시골 가서 살아야 할까 봐요.
Female: 요즘은 어디나 공해 문제가 심각해요. 집이든 직장이든 시골이든 어디서나 공해를 피할 수 없어요.
Male: 맞아요. 웬일인지 젊었을 때보다 더 자주 감기에 걸리네요.
Female: 자, 여기 약 있어요. 좀 나아지실 때까지 드시고 충분한 휴식을 취하세요. 그리고 특히 물을 자주 마시세요.
Now you will hear the dialogue again.
[The examinee will hear the dialogue again.]
Now answer the questions.
[The examinee will see on screen ONLY:]
Click "Next" when the recording ends to answer the questions.
[Each of the following 4 items will be presented on an individual screen on the actual test.]
Objective 0001
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications
(e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
1. 이 대화의 마지막 부분에서 여자가 한 말에 대해 남자가 할 대답으로 가장 적합한 것은 어느 것 인가?
- 알겠습니다. 약값이 모두 얼마입니까?
- 저는 지금 도시에서 사는 게 더 좋습니다.
- 당장 약국에 가겠습니다.
- 고맙습니다, 약을 복용해야 하나요?
- Answer
- Correct Response: A. At the end of the dialogue, the pharmacist is giving the medicine to the patient and making final recommendations ("좀 나아지실 때까지 드시고 충분한 휴식을 취하세요. 그리고 특히 물을 자주 마시세요."). A logical response from the patient is to acknowledge the recommendations and ask the pharmacist how much the medicine will cost.
Objective 0002
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
2. 남자의 말 가운데 어떤 말이 그가 지난 몇 년간 공해가 심해짐으로 인해 영향을 받았음을 암시하나?
- "이삼일 전부터요. 몸이 나을 때까지 출근 못 하겠어요."
- "몸이 나을 때까지 출근 못 하겠어요."
- "시골 가서 살아야 할까 봐요."
- "웬일인지 젊었을 때보다 더 자주 감기에 걸리네요."
- Answer
- Correct Response: D. As the pharmacist and patient discuss pollution, the pharmacist says that it is very serious and cannot be avoided ("요즘은 어디나 공해 문제가 심각해요. 집이든 직장이든 시골이든 어디서나 공해를 피할 수 없어요."). The patient responds that it's true and that he seems to get the flu more often than in the past, indicating that his condition is likely affected by the current pollution problem.
Objective 0002
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
3. 남자가 "시골 가서 살아야 할까 봐요"라고 한 것은 무엇을 뜻하나?
- 시골에서 살아야 된다고 생각한다.
- 시골이 도시보다 더 좋다.
- 시골에 가서 사는 게 더 낫지 않을까 생각한다.
- 시골에 더 좋은 약국이 있다고 생각한다.
- Answer
- Correct Response: C. The pharmacist says to the patient that he should be careful because the flu is spreading due to fine dust ("요즘 미세 먼지때문에 감기가 많이 돌고 있는데 주의하셔야겠어요."). The male speaker, who has had flu symptoms for three days, uses the expression "시골 가서 살아야 할까 봐요" to mean that it would probably be better for him to go to the countryside presumably to avoid the level of pollution in town.
Objective 0001
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
4. 약사는 이 남자에게 무엇을 권하는가?
- 시골로 이사하라.
- 집 안의 먼지를 제거하라.
- 물을 충분히 마시라.
- 의사에게 전화하라.
- Answer
- Correct Response: C. At the end of the dialogue, the pharmacist tells the patient that it is important to drink a lot of water ("물을 자주 마시세요.").
[The examinee will hear an audio recording, which includes a 20-second pause at the beginning.]
Listen carefully to the announcement for travelers; then answer the questions. You will hear the announcement twice.
[The announcement shown below is representative of a transcript used to make an audio recording on the actual test. It is shown here for study purposes only. The examinee will not see transcripts that accompany audio recordings on the actual test.]
(one male or female speaker)
부산행 KTX를 이용해 주셔서 감사합니다. 다음 역은 대전역입니다.
이 안내 방송은 대전역에서 내리실 승객들을 위한 것입니다. 대전 시내로 나가는 출구가 3번에서 2번으로 바뀌었습니다. 그러므로 대전 시내로 가실 분들은 기차에서 내리셔서 곧바로 2번 출구로 나가시기 바랍니다.
그리고, 오늘같이 승객이 많은 날 에어컨 작동 문제로 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. 이제 기차가 대전역에 도착하고 있습니다. 내리실 승객께서는 짐을 잘 챙기시고 내리시기 바랍니다.
Now you will hear the announcement again.
[The examinee will hear the announcement again.]
Now answer the questions.
[The examinee will see on screen start underline ONLY end underline :]
Click "Next" when the recording ends to answer the questions.
[Each of the following 3 items will be presented on an individual screen on the actual test.]
Objective 0001
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
5. 이 안내 방송에 의하면 대전 시내로 가는 승객은 무엇을 알아야 하는가?
- 대전역에서 내려 버스로 갈아타야 한다.
- 대전역에서 내려서 지하도로 나가야 한다.
- 2번 출구로 나가야 한다.
- 3번 출구로 나가야 한다.
- Answer
- Correct Response: C. The announcement states that the exit to Daejeon city has changed to exit 2. Passengers going to Daejeon city should go to exit 2 after they get off the train ("대전 시내로 가실 분들은 기차에서 내리셔서 곧바로 2번 출구로 나가시기 바랍니다.").
Objective 0001
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
6. 이 방송에서 사과하는 것은 무엇에 대한 것인가?
- 에어컨의 작동 문제
- 도착이 지연된 것
- 짐이 뒤바뀐 것
- 승객이 많이 붐빈 것
- Answer
- Correct Response: A. The speaker explicitly apologizes for the air conditioning malfunction ("오늘같이 승객이 많은 날 에어컨 작동 문제로 불편을 드려 죄송합니다.").
Objective 0002
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
7. 이 안내 방송은 누구를 대상으로 하는 방송인가?
- 플랫폼에서 기차를 기다리는 승객
- 기차에 타고 있는 승객
- 부산역에 도착한 승객
- 대전역에서 짐을 찾는 승객
- Answer
- Correct Response: B. The very last part of the announcement informs the passengers that the train is arriving at the Daejeon Station and that those who are going to Daejeon city should collect their luggage and get off the train ("이제 기차가 대전역에 도착하고 있습니다. 내리실 승객께서는 짐을 잘 챙기시고 내리시기 바랍니다."). Therefore, the announcement is intended for passengers currently on the train.