Study Guide

Field 261: World Language: Chinese (Cantonese) 
Interpretive Listening

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Directions for Interpretive Listening Section

This section of the test contains multiple-choice questions that involve listening to recorded excerpts. Each excerpt will be followed by one or more multiple-choice questions. Each multiple-choice question has four answer choices. After listening to an excerpt, read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Each listening excerpt will be played twice.

The first recorded excerpt will begin playing automatically once you advance to the next screen. There will be a period of silence at the beginning of each recording. During this silence, you should familiarize yourself with the test question(s) presented on the screen.

Once the audio begins, you will not be able to pause, stop, or replay it. Therefore, listen carefully, then answer the question(s). Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all. You will NOT be penalized for guessing.

You will not be able to go back and review your answers to questions in this section of the test. Once you move to the next question, you will not be able to go back to previous questions in this section. Therefore, be sure to select your answer carefully before you move to the next question. The next recorded excerpt will not begin playing until you advance to the next question.

Please be aware that the visual enhancements Example of the Color Scheme visual enhancement control and Example of the Font Size visual enhancement control are NOT available during this section of the test. Please DO NOT use these features until you have completed all listening items and proceeded to the remaining sections of the test.

Click the Next button when you have finished reading these directions and are ready to begin the listening section of the test. Be sure you have your headset on before proceeding.

Select the Next button to continue.

Sample Interpretive Listening Questions

[The examinee will hear an audio recording, which includes a 20-second pause at the beginning.]

Listen to the dialogue at a post office; then answer the questions. You will hear the dialogue twice.

[The dialogue shown below is representative of a transcript used to make an audio recording on the actual test. It is shown here for study purposes only. The examinee will not see transcripts that accompany audio recordings on the actual test.]

(one male and one female speaker)


Female: 你好,请问想办咩嘢业务?

Male: 我想将呢个包裹寄去美国。

Female: 唔该你先填一张邮寄单,将寄嘅嘢同收件人嘅信息全部填好。

Male: 好嘅。

Female: 所有邮寄嘅嘢都会由我哋来装箱,所以唔该你将个包裹打开,里面係咩嘢?

Male: 係一个仿古嘅台式小屏风。唔该小心点包装,因为佢係易碎品。

Female: 你係选择空运定係海运?

Male: 有咩嘢区别㗎?

Female: 空运比海运要快差唔多两个几月,所以要贵点!

Male: 寄空运啦,因为要赶喺我妈妈嘅生日前寄到。一共几多钱?

Female: 你嘅包裹有……856克,1000克以内嘅包裹运费係一百八十人民币。



Female: 你好,請問想辦咩嘢業務?

Male: 我想將呢個包裹寄去美國。

Female: 唔該你先填一張郵寄單,將寄嘅嘢同收件人嘅信息全部填好。

Male: 好嘅。

Female: 所有郵寄嘅嘢都會由我哋來裝箱,所以唔該你將個包裹打開,裡面係咩嘢?

Male: 係一個仿古嘅台式小屏風。唔該小心點包裝,因為佢係易碎品。

Female: 你係選擇空運定係海運?

Male: 有咩嘢區別㗎?

Female: 空運比海運要快差唔多兩個幾月,所以要貴點!

Male: 寄空運啦,因為要趕喺我媽媽嘅生日前寄到。一共幾多錢?

Female: 你嘅包裹有……856克,1000克以內嘅包裹運費係一百八十人民幣。

Now you will hear the dialogue again.

[The examinee will hear the dialogue again.]

Now answer the questions.

[The examinee will see on screen ONLY:]

Click "Next" when the recording ends to answer the questions.

[Each of the following 4 items will be presented on an individual screen on the actual test.]

Objective 0001 
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).


  1. 我想寄海运。
  2. 我可以用信用卡付款吗?
  3. 我可以自己包装吗?
  4. 我应该将它寄去边?
Correct Response: B. At the end of the dialogue, the post office clerk states how much the shipping will cost ("1000克以内嘅包裹运费係一百八十人民币。 / 1000克以內嘅包裹運費係一百八十人民幣。"). Asking whether the shipping can be paid by credit card is a logical response to the clerk's comment.

Objective 0001 
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).


  1. 佢唔记得放邮寄表格入去。
  2. 佢想将它包装成生日礼物。
  3. 邮寄嘅嘢必须由工作人员包装。
  4. 包裹超过左允许嘅重量。
Correct Response: C. After instructing the client on how to fill the mailing form, the post office clerk asks the client to open the parcel so that she can repack it herself ("所有邮寄嘅嘢都会由我哋来装箱,所以唔该你将个包裹打开 / 所有郵寄嘅嘢都會由我哋來裝箱,所以唔該你將個包裹打開").

Objective 0001 
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).


  1. 邮寄嘅物品容易破碎。
  2. 邮寄嘅物品係生日礼物。
  3. 邮寄嘅物品係仿古嘅。
  4. 邮寄嘅物品非常轻。
Correct Response: A. When the post office clerk asks what is inside the parcel, the client responds that it is an antique desktop screen and asks the clerk to be careful with packing since it is fragile ("係一个仿古嘅台式小屏风。唔该小心点包装,因为佢係易碎品。 / 係一个仿古嘅台式小屏风。唔该小心点包装,因为佢係易碎品。").

Objective 0002 
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).


  1. 更易碎。
  2. 更便宜。
  3. 更安全。
  4. 更快送达。
Correct Response: D. Since the post office clerk told him that air mail is faster than surface mail ("空运比海运要快差唔多两个几月 / 空運比海運要快差唔多兩個幾月"), the customer decides to send the parcel by air because he wants the parcel to arrive on time for his mother's birthday ("寄空运啦,因为要赶喺我妈妈嘅生日前寄到。 / 寄空運啦,因為要趕喺我媽媽嘅生日前寄到。").

[The examinee will hear an audio recording, which includes a 20-second pause at the beginning.]

Listen to the dialogue between a bank clerk and a customer; then answer the questions. You will hear the dialogue twice.

[The dialogue shown below is representative of a transcript used to make an audio recording on the actual test. It is shown here for study purposes only. The examinee will not see transcripts that accompany audio recordings on the actual test.]

(one male and one female speaker)


Male: 你好,请问你今天想办咩嘢业务?

Female: 我想开一个活期存款账户。

Male: 好呀,唔该你先填一张开户表格,将个人信息全部写好,然后喺签名线上面签名。唔该出示一下你嘅身份证。

Female: 哦,呢个係我嘅护照。

Male: 唔该嗮。请问你需唔需要申请提款卡?

Female: 我唔需要提款卡,不过我想申请信用卡,得唔得?

Male: 没问题㗎!填好信用卡申请表之后,经过审批部门审批就可以发卡㗎啦。

Female: 好呀,甘我即刻填左张表先。

Male: 新嘅活期存款账户已经开好了,呢本係你嘅活期存折。

Female: 唔该嗮。呢张係我嘅信用卡申请表。

Male: 我会将呢张申请表递交畀我哋嘅审批部,三个星期左右就会有信件通知你审批嘅结果,再次多谢你喺我哋银行开户。



Male: 你好,請問你今天想辦咩嘢業務?

Female: 我想開一個活期存款賬戶。

Male: 好呀,唔該你先填一張開戶表格,將個人信息全部寫好,然後喺簽名線上面簽名。唔該出示一下你嘅身份證。

Female: 哦,呢個係我嘅護照。

Male: 唔該嗮。請問你需唔需要申請提款卡?

Female: 我唔需要提款卡,不過我想申請信用卡,得唔得?

Male: 沒問題㗎!填好信用卡申請表之後,經過審批部門審批就可以發卡㗎啦。

Female: 好呀,甘我即刻填左張表先。

Male: 新嘅活期存款賬戶已經開好了,呢本係你嘅活期存摺。

Female: 唔該嗮。呢張係我嘅信用卡申請表。

Male: 我會將呢張申請表遞交畀我哋嘅審批部,三個星期左右就會有信件通知你審批嘅結果,再次多謝你喺我哋銀行開戶。

Now you will hear the dialogue again.

[The examinee will hear the dialogue again.]

Now answer the questions.

[The examinee will see on screen ONLY:]

Click "Next" when the recording ends to answer the questions.

[Each of the following 3 items will be presented on an individual screen on the actual test.]

Objective 0001 
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).


  1. 她嘅信用卡
  2. 借记卡
  3. 她最近嘅存折
  4. 有效身份证
Correct Response: D. When the client states that she wants to open a bank account, the bank clerk asks the client to complete a form and show a valid ID ("好呀,唔该你先填一张开户表格,将个人信息全部写好,然后喺签名线上面签名。唔该出示一下你嘅身份证。 / 好呀,唔該你先填一張開戶表格,將個人信息全部寫好,然後喺簽名線上面簽名。唔該出示一下你嘅身份證。").

Objective 0001 
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).


  1. 新嘅借记卡
  2. 新嘅信用卡
  3. 新嘅活期存折
  4. 新嘅护照申请表
Correct Response: C. The bank clerk states that the customer's bank account is now open and provides the customer with her new account passbook that she can take with her ("新嘅活期存款账户已经开好了,呢本係你嘅活期存折。 / 新嘅活期存款賬戶已經開好了,呢本係你嘅活期存摺。").

Objective 0002 
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).


  1. 处理客户嘅存款账户申请表。
  2. 递交客户嘅信用卡申请表畀审批部。
  3. 更新客户新开活期存折中嘅余额。
  4. 向客户邮寄新嘅活期存折。
Correct Response: B. At the end of the conversation, the bank clerk has the client's completed credit card application form from the customer and explains the next step, which is to submit the form to the bank's approval department ("我会将呢张申请表递交畀我哋嘅审批部 / 我會將呢張申請表遞交畀我哋嘅審批部"). The bank clerk will likely submit the form right away so that it can be approved.