Study Guide
Field 255: World Language: Italian
Presentational Writing
Recommendation for individuals using a screenreader: please set your punctuation settings to "most."
Directions for Presentational Writing Assignment
For this section of the test, you will compose a written response to an assignment presented on screen. You must respond to the assignment in the target language.
The assignment appears on the screen with a response box. Type your response in this box. Note that the assignment includes a prompt and an exhibit. Read the assignment carefully before you begin to write. Think about how you will organize your response. You may use the erasable notebooklet provided to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response. However, your final response must be typed in the response box provided for the assignment.
Please note that special characters (such as letters with accents or other diacritical marks) cannot be entered using the keyboard but are available for insertion in the on-screen response box. To access these characters, click on the
button that appears in the upper left corner of the screen. Using the mouse, click on the character you wish to include in your response and then select "Insert." The character will be inserted where the cursor is positioned in the response box.
Your response to the assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
- PURPOSE: the extent to which the response fulfills the tasks outlined in the assignment, demonstrates engagement with the exhibit, and uses writing conventions appropriate for the specified context and audience
- SUPPORT: the extent to which the response is elaborated with explanations and comparisons that are supported with relevant details from the exhibit and the candidate's own ideas
- ORGANIZATION: the extent to which the response communicates a logically sequenced and coherent written message
- VOCABULARY: the extent to which the response uses words and idiomatic language appropriate for the specified context and audience
- GRAMMAR: the extent to which the response uses appropriate narrative time frames, sentence structures, cohesive devices, and mechanics (spelling, punctuation, and if applicable, capitalization and diacritical marks)
Your response will be evaluated on the criteria above, not on any personal opinions expressed in the response. Be sure to write about the assigned topic and use multiple paragraphs. You may not use any reference materials during the test. This should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. Remember to review what you have written and make any changes you think will improve your response.
A response will be considered unscorable if it is unrelated to the assigned topic, not written in the required language, not of sufficient length to score, or merely a repetition of the assignment.
Select the Next button to continue.
Sample Presentational Writing Assignment
Objective 0007
Apply knowledge of target-language structures and writing conventions to compose
an effective, coherent, and clear response to a prompt.
[The examinee will see on screen the following directions:
To view the exhibit, click the button above. A pop-up window will appear. The pop-up
window can then be resized and/or repositioned on your screen so that you can access
the information while completing your response.]
Use the exhibit provided to complete the assignment below.
Imagine that you are currently living in Italy. You are planning to go hiking with the goal of learning about local cultures. You want to invite an Italian-speaking friend to join you. Drawing on the hiking options advertised in the exhibit provided and your knowledge of Italian writing conventions, write an e-mail in Italian to your friend in which you:
- explain how you made the decision to go hiking and invite your friend to join you;
- compare the two hiking options advertised in the exhibit, providing one advantage and one disadvantage for each option; and
- explain which option would best help you and your friend learn about the products, practices, and/or perspectives of local cultures.
Your response must be written in your own words, except for quotations and paraphrases from the exhibit used as evidence to support your ideas.
Le Dolomiti – Alpi orientali – Un paradiso per gli appassionati della vita all'aria aperta.
- Escursioni divertenti di ogni tipo per esperti o principianti
- Possibile pernottamento nei rifugi di montagna per una o più notti
- Si possono ammirare paesaggi naturali, spendide vette, parti rocciose vertiginose, e imponenti ghiacciai.
- Alpinismo, escursioni, ciclismo, volo con parapendio o con il deltaplano
Altre informazioni
UNESCO Sito Patrimonio Mondiale dell'Umanità
Il trekking nel Nord Italia
Martinique : CULTURES BALNÉAIRE et URBAINE Joignez-vous à une visite guidée de Fort-de-Italy et du domaine de la Pagerie, lieu de naissance de l'impératrice Joséphine, épouse de Napoléon. Et soyez au rendez-vous tous les soirs dans les cafés et dancings les plus populaires.
- Logement à la plage de Trois-Îlets incluant déplacements en bateaux-navettes
- Promenades autour de l'île en bateau avec arrêt pour déjeuner sur la plage
- Visite de St-Pierre et des sites préservés après l'éruption de la montagne Pelée en 1902
I sentieri delle Cinque Terre sono tra i più belli d'Europa. Camminate lungo una delle più spettacolari riviere d'Italia.
- Escursioni divertenti di ogni tipo per esperti o principianti
- Possibile pernottamento nei rifugi di montagna per una o più notti
- Si possono ammirare paesaggi naturali, spendide vette, parti rocciose vertiginose, e imponenti ghiacciai.
- Alpinismo, escursioni, ciclismo, volo con parapendio o con il deltaplano
Altre informazioni
Sample Strong Response to Presentational Writing Assignment
Ciao Nino,
Ho deciso di passare le mie prossime vacanze a fare un po' di ricerca culturale in Italia e riattizzare la fiamma italiana che nutrivo in quei anni all'università. Ho pensato subito che tu saresti stato il compagno ideale, date le tue interesse nel trekking, ecc.
Dunque, la prima possibilità è di fare una gita prolungata nelle Dolomiti, una zona che mi interessa da tanto. Bramo da sempre la possibilità di passeggiare per tutti quei sentieri alpestri e poi pernottare nei rifugii di montagna, godendo (almeno ogni tanto) una cena preparata da gente del posto con ingredienti locali—funghi del bosco, salsicce di selvaggina, di camoscio o cinghiale! Mi piacerebbe anche visitare con qualche intagliatore dei legni montani. Poi, le vedute da quelle vette sono spettacolari, sebbene io soffro un po' di vertigini!
L'altra possibilità—più docile, se vuoi, sarebbe una gita nelle Cinque Terre, ma non le solite Cinque Terre... L'agenzia propone una serie di sentieri piuttosto difficili che, credo, porrerebbero qualche sfida perfino a te! Anche in questa gita mi piacerebbe visitare con gli artigiani, ma questa volta, con i vasai che lavorano con le argille locali. L'unico aspetto negativo sarebbe che temo che farà troppo freddo per godere delle bellissime spiagge lungo la costa.
In fine dei conti, preferirei la gita nelle Dolomiti perché credo che ci dia un'immagine più tonda delle pratiche e prospettive locali, ma vorrei sentire la tua prima di decidere! Ti invio in allegato la pubblicità relativa alle due gite, in modo che possiamo tutti e due vedere i prezzi ed altri vantaggi/svantaggi.
A presto, allora, e spero proprio che ce la faremo a fare una di queste gite insieme!
Rationale for Sample Strong Response to Presentational Writing Assignment
The response thoroughly fulfills the tasks outlined in the assignment. It explains why the writer made the decision to go on a vacation (… a fare un po' di "ricerca culturale," "…riattizzare la fiamma..."), and features an invitation to his friend, Nino, to join him ("ho pensato subito che tu saresti stato la persona ideale… trekking, etc."). It compares the two options throughout and describes at least one advantage and disadvantage of each (e.g., "godendo una cena preparata da gente del posto…ma [lui soffre] di vertigini"). It also arrives at a conclusion as to which option would be best and explains why ("preferirei la gita nelle Dolomiti perché credo che ci dia un'immagine più tonda delle pratiche e prospettive locali"). The response uses writing conventions appropriate for the context of writing an e-mail to a friend (e.g., using the "tu" form and familiar language: "Ciao," "sentire la tua," "ce la faremo," and "a presto") that would not be appropriate in a more formal written text. The response demonstrates a strong engagement with the exhibit through both direct and indirect references to its contents. Explanations and comparisons are effectively supported with details from the exhibit as well as the candidate's own ideas (opinions and analysis of the provided information, suggestions based on this information, and additional thoughts based on the preferences of the writer and his friend).
The response's message is logically sequenced and coherent. It begins with a greeting and an explanation of the purpose for writing the e-mail, then compares the two options through a series of well-structured paragraphs before presenting a conclusion that is reasonable based on the preceding ideas.
With the exception of expressions and paraphrases from the exhibit, the e-mail is written in the candidate's own words and effectively uses words and idiomatic language appropriate for an e-mail to a friend. Although the message is informal, there is evidence of a range of vocabulary appropriate for the context (e.g., "ricerca culturale," "intagliatore," "vasaio") and precise usage ("L'unico aspetto negativo sarebbe…," "L'altra possibilità—più docile, se vuoi…"), as well as idiomatic language that shows knowledge of words and phrases unique to Italian ("più estese del solito," "riattizzare la fiamma," "Bramo da sempre," "ce la faremo"). Narrative time frames, sentence structures, cohesive devices, and mechanics are appropriate and effective. The response uses past, present, and future tenses, as well as forms of the conditional ("tu saresti stato," "preferirei la gita"), subjunctive constructions ("credo che ci dia"), and the verb "piacere." Ability to execute simple and complex sentences with appropriate word order is demonstrated. Cohesive devices ("Dunque," "In fine dei conti") are employed successfully.
Occasional minor errors within the response do not interfere with comprehensibility. Examples of such errors include improper formation of plurals ("le tue interesse," "nei rifugii"); improper agreement between demonstrative adjective and noun ("quei anni"); improper conjugation of verb tenses/moods, such as present conditional ("porrerebbero") and present subjunctive ("sebbene io soffro"); and anglicism ("visitare con" "to visit with").
Performance Characteristics for Presentational Writing Assignment
The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the Presentational Writing assignment.
Purpose | the extent to which the response fulfills the tasks outlined in the assignment, demonstrates engagement with the exhibit, and uses writing conventions appropriate for the specified context and audience |
Support | the extent to which the response is elaborated with explanations and comparisons that are supported with relevant details from the exhibit and the candidate's own ideas |
Organization | the extent to which the response communicates a logically sequenced and coherent written message |
Vocabulary | the extent to which the response uses words and idiomatic language appropriate for the specified context and audience |
Grammar | the extent to which the response uses appropriate narrative time frames, sentence structures, cohesive devices, and mechanics (spelling, punctuation, and if applicable, capitalization and diacritical marks) |
Score Scale for Presentational Writing Assignment
A score will be assigned to the response to the Presentational Writing assignment according to the following score scale.
Score Point | Score Point Description |
4 |
The "4" response demonstrates effective presentational writing skills.
3 |
The "3" response demonstrates generally effective presentational writing skills.
2 |
The "2" response demonstrates partially effective presentational writing skills.
1 |
The "1" response demonstrates ineffective presentational writing skills.
U | The response is unscorable because it is unrelated to the assigned topic, illegible, not written in the required language, not of sufficient length to score, or merely a repetition of the assignment. |
B | There is no response to the assignment. |
clodio. Skyline panorama, Turin, Torino, Italy. Credit Line: clodio. Copyright Notice:
clodio.Molcan, Martin. Scenic view of colorful village Vernazza and ocean coast in Cinque Terre Italy. Credit Line: Martin Molcan. Copyright Notice:
Martin Molcan.