Study Guide

Field 251: World Language: Chinese (Mandarin) 
Presentational Writing

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This study guide contains some Chinese. To hear Chinese please use a screenreader that has Chinese enabled.

Review the IME instructions for Mandarin PDF . The IME instruction document will be available to you during the actual test.

Directions for Presentational Writing Assignment

For this section of the test, you will compose a written response to an assignment presented on screen. You must respond to the assignment in the target language.

The assignment appears on the screen with a response box. Type your response in this box. Note that the assignment includes a prompt and an exhibit. Read the assignment carefully before you begin to write. Think about how you will organize your response. You may use the erasable notebooklet provided to make notes, write an outline, or otherwise prepare your response. However, your final response must be typed in the response box provided for the assignment.

For this assignment, you will type your response in the target language using Input Method Editor (IME) technology. You may access specific instructions for IME use by selecting the IME Help button above the response box. Note that because the default input language is set as English, you will need to select the target language before you begin typing by clicking on the down arrow in the language selection box at the top left corner of the screen. Please note that all punctuation should be entered while the target language is the selected input language.

Your response to the assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

Your response will be evaluated on the criteria above, not on any personal opinions expressed in the response. Be sure to write about the assigned topic and use multiple paragraphs. You may not use any reference materials during the test. This should be your original work, written in your own words, and not copied or paraphrased from some other work. Remember to review what you have written and make any changes you think will improve your response.

A response will be considered unscorable if it is unrelated to the assigned topic, not written in the required language, not of sufficient length to score, or merely a repetition of the assignment.

Select the Next button to continue.

Sample Presentational Writing Assignment

Objective 0007 
Apply knowledge of target-language structures and writing conventions to compose an effective, coherent, and clear response to a prompt.

[The examinee will see on screen the following directions:
To view the exhibit, click the button above. A pop-up window will appear. The pop-up window can then be resized and/or repositioned on your screen so that you can access the information while completing your response.]

Use the exhibit provided to complete the assignment below.

Imagine that you are currently living in Beijing. You are planning to go on an excursion with the goal of learning about local cultures. You want to invite a Chinese-speaking friend to join you. Drawing on the excursion options advertised in the provided exhibit and your knowledge of Chinese writing conventions, write an e-mail in Chinese to your friend in which you:

Your response must be written in your own words, except for quotations and paraphrases from the exhibit used as evidence to support your ideas.



tourist pamphlet

The image is a tourist pamphlet in simplified Mandarin.
At the very top of the pamphlet in the header section it says 从北京出发看风景. Then, 微笑旅行社 (电话: 010-12345688
Below the header, the pamphlet is divided into 2 sections. I will describe both.
The first section is labeled 成都重庆长江五日游(乘坐飞机,高铁和游轮). Then, it reads 从重庆乘长江游轮到宜昌,近距离欣赏大熊猫,品尝麻辣火锅和当地著名菜肴.
There are two subsections of text. The first reads 长江游轮. Then, 沿着长江欣赏壮丽的景点,如三峡,神龙架等,并安排岸上游览,练习太极,观看传统服装秀。船上配餐均提供自助式的当地特色菜。. The second reads 行程安排:. Then, it lists 第一天:飞往成都,参观大熊猫繁育研究基地 / 第二天早上:高铁到重庆,自助火锅午餐 / 第二天晚上到第五天早上:从重庆到宜昌,乘坐长江游轮 / 第五天晚上:从宜昌飞回北京.
There is some additional text in its own box at the bottom of the section. It reads 详情请点击这里.
Finally, there are two pictures within this section. The first, located on the left side, shows the Yangtze river running through Three Gorges. The second, on the right side, shows a Sichuan hot pot.
The second section is labeled 四天青岛精品游. Then, it reads 青岛被称为中国的帆船城,因树木繁多,四季常青而得名,是著名的海滨度假旅游城市.
There are three subsections of text. The first reads 崂山. Then, 位于青岛市东部,以道教文化,寺庙以及岩石,古树和清澈泉水的风景而闻名。. The second reads 青岛啤酒. Then, 是当今中国产量第二的啤酒厂,用来自于崂山的水酿造的啤酒闻名于世!游客可以自由参观博物馆和包装车间。. The third reads 行程安排:. Then, it lists 第一天:飞往青岛,游览天后宫和海军博物馆 / 第二天:游崂山包括太清宫和主峰 / 第三天:游小青岛,栈桥码头,参观青岛啤酒厂 / 第四天早上:第一海水浴场,下午飞回北京.
There is some additional text in its own box at the bottom of the section. It reads 详情请点击这里.
Finally, there are two pictures within this section. The first, located on the left side, shows Qingdao Laoshan. The second, on the right side, shows Taiqing Palace in Liaoning Province, Shenyang. This picture is labeled. The label reads 太清宫.



tourist pamphlet

The image is a tourist pamphlet in traditional Mandarin.
At the very top of the pamphlet in the header section it says 從北京出發看風景. Then, 微笑旅行社 (電話 : 010-12345688
Below the header, the pamphlet is divided into 2 sections. I will describe both.
The first section is labeled 成都重慶長江五日遊(乘坐飛機,高鐵和遊輪). Then, it reads 從重慶乘長江遊輪到宜昌,近距離欣賞大熊貓,品嚐麻辣火鍋和當地著名菜餚.
There are two subsections of text. The first reads 長江遊輪. Then, 沿著長江欣賞壯麗的景點,如三峽,神龍架等,並安排岸上遊覽,練習太極,觀看傳統服裝秀。船上配餐均提供自助式的當地特色菜。. The second reads 行程安排:. Then, it lists 第一天:飛往成都,參觀大熊貓繁育研究基地 / 第二天早上:高鐵到重慶,自助火鍋午餐 / 第二天晚上到第五天早上:從重慶到宜昌,乘坐長江遊輪 / 第五天晚上:從宜昌飛回北京.
There is some additional text in its own box at the bottom of the section. It reads 詳情請點擊這裡.
Finally, there are two pictures within this section. The first, located on the left side, shows the Yangtze river running through Three Gorges. The second, on the right side, shows a Sichuan hot pot.
The second section is labeled 四天青島精品遊. Then, it reads 青島被稱為中國的帆船城,因樹木繁多,四季常青而得名,是著名的海濱度假旅遊城市.
There are three subsections of text. The first reads 嶗山. Then, 位於青島市東部,以道教文化,寺廟以及岩石,古樹和清澈泉水的風景而聞名。. The second reads 青島啤酒. Then, 是當今中國產量第二的啤酒廠,用來自於嶗山的水釀造的啤酒聞名於世!遊客可以自由參觀博物館和包裝車間。. The third reads 行程安排:. Then, it lists 第一天:飛往青島,遊覽天后宮和海軍博物館 / 第二天:遊嶗山包括太清宮和主峰 / 第三天:遊小青島,棧橋碼頭,參觀青島啤酒廠 / 第四天早上:第一海水浴場,下午飛回北京.
There is some additional text in its own box at the bottom of the section. It reads 詳情請點擊這裡.
Finally, there are two pictures within this section. The first, located on the left side, shows Qingdao Laoshan. The second, on the right side, shows Taiqing Palace in Liaoning Province, Shenyang. This picture is labeled. The label reads 太清宮.

Sample Strong Response to Presentational Writing Assignment



你好, 最近忙吗? 我今年就要毕业离开北京了, 想在毕业前去几个没去过的地方了解一下当地的文化和特色。 我现在有两个选择 (详情请看附件),选择一是成都重庆长江五日游,选择二是四天青岛精品游。 我想选一个然后邀请你下个月十号一起去旅游。

我比较了一下,“五日游”去三个不同的城市:成都, 重庆和宜昌,乘坐三个不同的主要交通工具: 飞机,高铁和游轮,美中不足的是五天内完成三个城市太匆忙了。“四天游”会去青岛和崂山,还可以参观博物馆和道教太清宫,深刻地了解青岛的历史,如果可以玩多几天就更好啦。

我比较喜欢青岛精品游,因为有更多时间和本地人交谈,所以我还可以参观啤酒厂。 那就可以真正地认识一个城市啦。你觉得呢?





你好, 最近忙嗎?我今年就要畢業離開北京了, 想在畢業前去幾個沒去過的地方了解一下當地的文化和特色。我現在有兩個選擇 (詳情請看附件),選擇一是成都重慶長江五日遊,選擇二是四天青島精品遊。我想選一個然後邀請你下個月十號一起去旅遊。

我比較了一下,“五日遊”去三個不同的城市:成都, 重慶和宜昌,乘坐三個不同的主要交通工具: 飛機,高鐵和遊輪,美中不足的是五天內完成三個城市太匆忙了。 “四天遊”會去青島和嶗山,還可以參觀博物館和道教太清宮,深刻地了解青島的歷史,如果可以玩多幾天就更好啦。



Rationale for Sample Strong Response to Presentational Writing Assignment

The response largely fulfills the tasks outlined in the assignment and effectively uses Chinese writing conventions appropriate for the specified context and audience. It is an e-mail to a friend and maintains a somewhat polite mode to seek some advice. It explicitly addresses the three tasks presented in the assignment starting with the reason for the decision to go on the trip ("我今年就要毕业了, 想在毕业前去几个没去过的地方了解一下当地的文化和特色。 / 我今年就要畢業了, 想在畢業前去幾個沒去過的地方了解一下當地的文化和特色。"), followed by an invitation for the friend to join ("我想选一个然后邀请你下个月十号一起去旅游。 / 我想選一個然後邀請你下個月十號一起去旅遊。"). The two options presented in the exhibit are compared, and an advantage and a disadvantage of each option are provided (how many cities in the plan, total time needed, tourist spots, etc.). The e-mail concludes by explaining why the writer would like to choose option two ("因为有更多时间和本地人交谈,还可以参观啤酒厂 / 因為有更多時間和本地人交談,還可以參觀啤酒廠"). The response demonstrates engagement with the exhibit, and explanations and comparisons are supported with relevant details from the exhibit as well as the candidate's own ideas ("美中不足的是五天内完成三个城市太匆忙了; 如果时间长点就更好 / 美中不足的是五天內完成三個城市太匆忙了; 如果時間長點就更好").

The response communicates an effectively sequenced, coherent written message. It is written in a series of paragraphs with a clear beginning, middle, and conclusion that is reasonable based on the preceding ideas.

With the exception of quotations and paraphrases from the exhibit, the e-mail is written in the candidate's own words. Vocabulary ("比较; 了解; 认识; 期待 / 比較; 了解; 認識; 期待") and idiomatic language ("美中不足 / 美中不足") used are appropriate for the context and audience. Narrative time frames, sentence structures, cohesive devices ("毕业前; 然后;还可以; 如果; 因为 / 畢業前; 然後;還可以; 如果; 因為"), and mechanics are largely appropriate and effective. Minor errors do not interfere with comprehensibility. Examples of such errors include the use of the wrong measure word or classifier ("三个 / 三個" instead of "三种 / 三種") to describe the different transportation options, the use of a wrong cohesive device ("所以 / 所以" instead of "而且 / 而且"), the use of a less appropriate adverb ("深刻地 / 深刻地" instead of "深入地 / 深入地"), and the use of wrong word order ("玩多几天 / 玩多幾天" instead of "多玩几天 / 多玩幾天").

Performance Characteristics for Presentational Writing Assignment

The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the Presentational Writing assignment.

Purpose the extent to which the response fulfills the tasks outlined in the assignment, demonstrates engagement with the exhibit, and uses writing conventions appropriate for the specified context and audience
Support the extent to which the response is elaborated with explanations and comparisons that are supported with relevant details from the exhibit and the candidate's own ideas
Organization the extent to which the response communicates a logically sequenced and coherent written message
Vocabulary the extent to which the response uses words and idiomatic language appropriate for the specified context and audience
Grammar the extent to which the response uses appropriate narrative time frames, sentence structures, cohesive devices, and mechanics (spelling, punctuation, and if applicable, capitalization and diacritical marks)

Score Scale for Presentational Writing Assignment

A score will be assigned to the response to the Presentational Writing assignment according to the following score scale.

Score Point Score Point Description
4 The "4" response demonstrates effective presentational writing skills.
  • The response largely fulfills the tasks outlined in the assignment, demonstrates engagement with the exhibit, and uses writing conventions appropriate for the specified context and audience.
  • The response is largely elaborated with explanations and comparisons that are largely supported with relevant details from the exhibit and the candidate's own ideas.
  • The response largely communicates an effectively sequenced, coherent written message. Minor errors in connecting ideas do not interfere with comprehensibility.
  • The response uses words and idiomatic language largely appropriate for the specified context and audience. Minor errors do not interfere with comprehensibility.
  • The response uses largely appropriate narrative time frames, sentence structures, cohesive devices, and mechanics. Minor errors do not interfere with comprehensibility.
3 The "3" response demonstrates generally effective presentational writing skills.
  • The response generally fulfills the tasks outlined in the assignment, demonstrates general engagement with the exhibit, and uses writing conventions generally appropriate for the specified context and audience.
  • The response is generally elaborated with explanations and comparisons that are generally supported with relevant details from the exhibit and the candidate's own ideas.
  • The response communicates a generally effective, sequenced, coherent written message. Some errors in connecting ideas interfere with comprehensibility.
  • The response uses words and idiomatic language generally appropriate for the specified context and audience. Some errors interfere with comprehensibility.
  • The response uses generally appropriate narrative time frames, sentence structures, cohesive devices, and mechanics. Some errors interfere with comprehensibility.
2 The "2" response demonstrates partially effective presentational writing skills.
  • The response only partially fulfills the tasks outlined in the assignment, demonstrates limited engagement with the exhibit, and uses writing conventions that are only partially appropriate for the specified context and audience.
  • The response is only partially elaborated. Explanations and/or comparisons are only partially supported, with few relevant details from the exhibit and/or the candidate's own ideas.
  • The response communicates a written message that is only partially effective and/or only partially coherent. Frequent errors in connecting ideas interfere with comprehensibility.
  • The response uses basic words and idiomatic language that are only partially appropriate for the specified context and audience. Frequent errors interfere with comprehensibility.
  • The response uses only basic and/or only partially appropriate narrative time frames, sentence structures, cohesive devices, and mechanics. Frequent errors interfere with comprehensibility.
1 The "1" response demonstrates ineffective presentational writing skills.
  • The response does not fulfill the tasks outlined in the assignment, demonstrates little or no engagement with the exhibit, and uses writing conventions that are inappropriate for the specified context and audience.
  • The response is ineffectively elaborated, with few or no explanations or comparisons and few or no details from the exhibit or the candidate's own ideas. Any support present may be irrelevant.
  • The response communicates an ineffective, incoherent written message. Constant errors in connecting ideas significantly interfere with comprehensibility.
  • The response uses few or no words and little or no idiomatic language appropriate for the specified context and audience. Constant errors significantly interfere with comprehensibility.
  • The response uses few or no appropriate narrative time frames, sentence structures, cohesive devices, or mechanics. Constant errors significantly interfere with comprehensibility.
U The response is unscorable because it is unrelated to the assigned topic, illegible, not written in the required language, not of sufficient length to score, or merely a repetition of the assignment.
B There is no response to the assignment.


View Stock. River Yangtze, Three Gorges. Credit: View Stock. Getty Images.

MelindaChan. Chinese Sichuan Hot pot. Collection: Moment Open. Credit: MelindaChan. Getty Images.

Best View Stock. Qingdao Laoshan. Credit Line: Best View Stock. Getty Images.

IMAGEMORE Co., Ltd. China, Liaoning Province, Shenyang, Taiqing Palace. Credit: IMAGEMORE Co., Ltd. Getty Images.